Pyranomter with silicon photodiode sensor for determining global radiation
The pyranometer (global radiation sensor) is used to measure global radiation.
Global radiation is the direct solar radiation falling on the earth from the upper hemisphere and the indirect diffuse sky radiation. It covers a spectral range from approx. 200 to over 3000 nm, i.e. from the UV to the visible to the far infrared range.
Global radiation can be detected, among other things, by detectors with blackened thermocouples. Such precision measuring devices are usually very expensive, provide mV signals and require external measuring amplifiers.
For this reason, the use of pyranometers with adapted photodiodes as detectors is recommended for many applications, e.g. in the agricultural or solar sector. The detected spectral range is between approx. 350 and 1100 nm, i.e. more than 90% of the global radiation.
Pyranometers with Si photodiodes are calibrated with a precision pyranometer under approximate global radiation conditions. Thus, the measurement results are very well comparable.
The pyranometers are optimised for use with data loggers and control systems.